Understanding Narcissism: Healing and finding yourself again

The book defines 'Narcissism' from the point of view of a survivor.


Mental health, improving the quality of life and spirituality are the most sought after topics or points of concerns today. This portal aims at addressing the various facets that effect them in our lives and how we can move towards our goal kn a day-to-da

  • The book defines 'Narcissism' from the point of view of a survivor.
  • Without making it personal, this book equips the readers with an insight into mental health condition and behavior associated.
  • A survivor of an abusive relationship need good listeners and an empathetic minds around them.
  • Survivors once self assured can build themselves up and restart their lives afresh with a new perspective and a better understanding of themselves.
  • This book in the healing journey, deals with practicing self love and self evolution, which are very essential for a survivor of any abusive relationship.

About Me


Runa Ganguly is a writer, entrepreneur and a holistic life coach. She has a great deal of interest on topics related to psychology and holistic well being. A Post Graduate Human Resource student with a psychology background, she has travelled a good deal and currently resides in India. You can reach her on runamail101@gmail.com

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